How can I ensure that my child receives the best education?
Public, Private, or be Homeschooled?
Sign the "CA School Choice" Petition!!!

What choices, as parents, do you have in the best educational programs for your children? Of late, there have been school board meetings with fervent community members seeking to have their voices heard as districts decide what your children are taught. here are these options: Public School, Private School or Homeschooling. Should parents be allowed to choose freely on where to send their childern? Would you like to get some of your tax money back to apply to your child's education?
This plan is called the "California School Choice Initiative". The organizers are collecting signatures for a petition to put this Initiative on the November ballot. If passed, this Initiative would permit any parent to set up an educational savings account in their child’s name. This account would be funded annually through Proposition 98 funds with $14,000 to be used for your child's education. You can choose from any accredited private, parochial, or home school of your choice and anything that they do not spend in that year carries over to the next year! If money still left in the account after graduation, the funds can then be applied to any accredited secondary school in the nation up until the student turns 30 years old! Please help us get "California School Choice" on the ballot in 2022.
Sign the California School Choice Petition.
Where: St. Andrews School Address: 13601 Saratoga Avenue, Saratoga, California
When: January 24 to January 28, 2022
Time: 2:00pm to 3:00pm