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The Destruction of Single Family Homes in Silicon Valley

State Initiative moved from Nov 2022 to Nov 2024 ballot

The Destruction of Single Family Homes in Silicon Valley

Effective January 2022, in the Bay Area, as in all of California, the recently passed SB9 and SB10 laws allow developers to build multi-story and multi-unit buildings which could be next door to your single family home. This can be done without regard to traffic gridlock, over-crowding of schools, fire and police access in case of emergencies, and other infrastructure.

For example, single family neighborhoods in a city will be allowed up to six units on any single lot. SB9 would preempt local zoning by allowing from 4 to 8 units on what is now one single family lot and exempt developers from paying for infrastructure improvements. SB 10 would allow cities and counties to both:  approve up to 10 units on single family lots without environmental review and to undo voter-approved protection of open space and urban boundaries.

How would you feel about having the house next to you torn down and, potentially, 8 new units built in its place? With only 4-foot setbacks and no parking required. 10-unit apartment buildings could be scattered throughout your neighborhood – again with minimal setbacks and parking required. With only 1 parking per unit, more cars will be parked on your streets.

What can we, the residents, of cities and towns, big or small, in Silicon Valley do now that the California State legislature and Governor Newsom have passed SB9 and SB10 into law?

More and more cities are mobilizing to overturn SB9 and SB10. One such effort is the “Our Neighborhood Voices Initiative”, a state-wide Initiative which, if approved by voters, ensures that local zoning and land-use is decided locally (decided by each town or city) and not by Sacramento. We need 1.3 million signatures to get this initiative on the ballot for November 2022. 

Click this link to find out more about the State Initiative.

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